Monday, January 28, 2008

Amusing Will Quotes

Will has come out with quite a few interesting quotes lately. He cracks me up on a daily basis. Here are a few:

1. "I feel like a new boy!" After putting on the red hat and the tote bag around his neck in the picture to the right.
2. "That drives me crazy!!" When I was listening to music and/or talk radio. I've heard this several times lately.
3. "I met a little lady." When he was playing in the child care center at the health club. He describes the various girls he's played with by the style of their hair.
4. "You've been a good Mommy today." This has been said several times recently when he got something he wanted.
5. "This is my wacker dacker." aka his hammer.
6. "The cat came in and pulled it out." This was said today when I walked into the bathroom to find the toilet paper unrolled from the holder and on the floor. The thing is...we don't have a cat!

1 comment:

Allison said...

That is so cute! Especially the one about the cat! Will is so adorable!