Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dawg Gala

This past Saturday evening we went to an Awards Gala/Fund-raiser for the UGA Terry College of Business. It was really a lot of fun. Governor Perdue and Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson were Honorary Guests but we didn't see any of them. Perdue did the live auction last year and we were hoping he would again. Oh well. More exciting was that head football coach Mark Richt was there and sat two tables away from us. Also in attendance was UGA's SEC Champion basketball coach (he got a louder cheer than Richt) and Damon Evans, the young and very popular Athletic Director. The most exciting auction item of the evening was a day with the coaches and athletes at UGA. It went for $20,000! That was more than they were expecting so they told the gentleman who lost that if he would match that amount they would do a 2nd day. The second largest amount was $16,000 for two rounds of golf for 7 at Oakmont with the club president as your host. We bid on a silent auction item for tickets and lodging for the Georgia/Florida game but lost :-( All I hear about at home is how the Dawgs are ranked #1 preseason. Keeping true to UGA form there was some red and black tackiness going on. One gentleman had on a black jacket with red, yes red, tux pants with little dawgs all over them and black velvet slippers. Go Dawgs - sic em'!